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The US has expressed concern to Sri Lanka about the likely visit of a Chinese research ship next month that could also cause worries in India which in the past has raised security concerns over docking by China's spy vessels, according to a media report US Under Secretary Victoria Nuland,...
An advanced group of Chinese hackers taking aim at critical US infrastructure has been active for as long as half a decade, American and allied intelligence agencies said in a joint statement on Wednesday. The US National Security Agency, US cyber watchdog CISA, the FBI and the Transportation Security Administration...
China is emerging as a crucial supporter of Taliban-led Afghanistan, with Beijing increasing its footprint in the neighboring country and taking a more proactive tone in its engagement with the regime. Experts say that China's reinvigorated policy in post-U.S. Afghanistan could be to "establish an anti-American and anti-West puppet state...
Washington, DC , January 3: Regional experts believe China's efforts to mediate between the Myanmar junta and ethnic rebels on its northern border are motivated mainly by self-interest. However, Beijing's efforts will unlikely have a significant effect on the conflict. According to the experts, China's goals in convening the peace...
Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall on Monday warned that China was building up its military to prepare for a potential war with the U.S., and he said America must optimize its forces to counter the rising threat. Speaking at the Air and Space Forces Association Warfighter Symposium at National Harbor,...
China and India, the world’s two largest populations, are competing against each other by developing their own 1,000-qubit quantum computers, a goal that will be achieved by the United States’s IBM this year. In terms of making quantum computers, India is a latecomer when compared with China. The Indian government in...
Foreign businesses’ direct investment into China last year increased by the lowest amount since the early 1990s, underscoring challenges for the nation as Beijing seeks more overseas investment to help its economy. China’s direct investment liabilities in its balance of payments rose by $33 billion last year, 82% down on...
European officials took some small comfort when China attended a summit in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, last weekend. The meeting aimed to find a peaceful solution to the conflict in Ukraine. While Beijing didn’t budge from its stated position of impartiality, China’s mere presence at a meeting to which Russia says it was not...
Russia has openly backed "friend" India over the China map controversy. The Russian envoy to India said it doesn't change the situation on the ground. Denis Alipov added that, like India, Russia also does not exaggerate this issue. Russia is the fifth country to back India over the Chinese...
New Delhi , January 27: Lobsang Sangay, who served as the Tibetan Prime Minister-in-exile from 2011 to 2021 spoke about China's overarching strategy to assert itself as the sole superpower and its tactics in claiming territories. In an interview, he insisted that for India to understand China, it must comprehend...