Tibetan Government in Exile Challenges China’s Historical Narrative with New Map Initiative


In a bid to safeguard Tibetan heritage and counter China’s territorial ambitions, the Tibetan Government in Exile is drafting a book and a map featuring original Tibetan county names. Announced by President Sikyong Penpa Tsering, this endeavor highlights Beijing’s policy of altering place names to bolster its claims.

Tsering said the project is still in its early stages, with logistical challenges and sensitivities around boundary issues and historical accuracy. The initiative aims to underscore China’s broader cartographic strategy, which extends beyond Tibet to other contested areas, as a display of Beijing’s expansive policy.

Amid territorial tensions, Tsering commended the disengagement between India and China in Ladakh but cautioned against new Chinese developments, such as renaming counties and constructing a dam. Additionally, the use of ‘Xizang’ by China in recent natural disaster reports has sparked discontent among the Tibetan diaspora, who fear for their cultural identity.


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