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Bank of jiujiang, a mid-tier lender from a southern Chinese river town, imparted some bad news on March 19th. In a rare disclosure, it told investors profits for 2023 might fall by 30%, because of poorly performing loans. This is just the sort of information Chinese banks are normally...
New Delhi: China won’t be the focus of the Indo-Pacific Armies Chiefs Conference (IPACC) to be hosted by India next week in Delhi, the Indian Army said Wednesday. Asked if the event is aimed at discussing the tensions in the Taiwan Strait, Maj. Gen. Abhinaya Rai, Additional Director General (Strategic Planning),...
In a historic and unified effort, 61 organisations across the global East Turkistani and Uyghur diaspora have come together to address the United States Congress with an urgent plea to recognize their homeland, East Turkistan, where their peoples are suffering an ongoing genocidal occupation under China, East Turkistan National...
BEIJING, Feb 23: A 6.8 magnitude earthquake shook part of Tajikistan early Thursday, February 23, 2023, near China’s far western Xinjiang region. It was 67 km west of Murghob, Tajikistan and 20 km deep, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The area is remote and lightly populated. China Earthquake Networks Center said...
China has started military exercises along its border with Myanmar at a time when there is ongoing fighting between rebel forces and the ruling military junta. The Dehong Dai and Jingpo autonomous prefecture in Yunnan on Monday announced that a live-fire exercise would be conducted on Tuesday and Wednesday...
Female human rights activists from Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong jointly highlighted China's forceful repression of women at the UN Human Rights Council calling it the worst human rights violations in the country. They mentioned about China's 2023 review by the UN Women's Rights Committee during a side event...
Cambridge students have launched a Uyghur Rights Campaign in response to “silence” within the University toward China’s treatment of Uyghur Muslims. Human rights groups allege that China has detained more than one million Uyghurs, mostly in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, with the US, among other countries, having accused the...
BEIJING — China will tighten its scrutiny on food from Japan and maintain curbs on some Japanese imports, the government said on Friday (July 7), citing Tokyo's decision to discharge treated radioactive water from the crippled Fukushima plant into the sea.   The Japanese plan, approved on Tuesday by the UN...
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is scheduled to go to China on a four-day visit this month. In the letter, the WUC has asked the German Chancellor to address issues that concern the situation in Tibet, East Turkestan, Hong Kong, southern Mongolia and China itself. On the occasion of your upcoming trip...
Proposed changes to a Chinese public security law to criminalize comments, clothing, or symbols that “undermine the spirit” or “harm the feelings” of China have triggered the concern of legal experts in China, who say the amendments could be used arbitrarily. China proposes a ban on clothing that ‘hurt nation’s...