Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced a cut in excise duty on petrol by ₹8 per litre, and ₹6 per litre on diesel. Former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan heaped praise on India for buying discounted oil from Russia despite “pressure from the US”, saying his government was also working to achieve...
Beijing: Pakistan's newly-appointed Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari held talks with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi on Sunday in Guangzhou city and emphasised that "it is critical to resolve all outstanding disputes in South Asia in view of the challenges faced by the people due to the pandemic, soaring...
London: Indian-origin businessman Sunil Chopra has been elected as the mayor of London Borough of Southwark for the second time. Delhi-born Chopra took the oath on Saturday at Southwark Cathedral, Montague Close in Central London. Chopra was the mayor of the London Borough of Southwark in 2014-2015, and deputy mayor...
Dharamshala: Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama has written to Australian Prime Minister-elect Anthony Albanese congratulating him on his party's victory in the elections there. "Beginning with my first visit to Australia in 1982, I have had the privilege to visit your beautiful country quite regularly, mostly at the invitation...
Islamabad: Afghanistan's Taliban rulers on Sunday began enforcing an order requiring all female TV news anchors in the country to cover their faces while on-air. The move is part of a hard-line shift drawing condemnation from rights activists. After the order was announced Thursday, only a handful of news outlets...
Islamabad/Lahore: Pakistan's ex-human rights minister Shireen Mazari, who has been criticising the powerful Army after Imran Khan was ousted as prime minister last month, was "beaten" and taken away by the police, her daughter said on Saturday.Mazari's arrest by anti-corruption officials triggered a political storm but it was quickly...
Colombo: The state of emergency in Sri Lanka has been lifted with effect from Saturday after the government decided not to present the Emergency Regulations in Parliament for approval with the improvement of the law and order situation in the island nation, nearly two weeks after it was imposed...
SYLHET: Rivers in Bangladesh have burst their banks and caused the worst floods in the country's northeast for nearly two decades, with about two million people marooned by rising waters, officials said Saturday (May 21). Floodwater rushing from India's northeast breached a major embankment on the Barak River, inundating at...